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Rubber Flooring: What You Should Know Before You Buy Rubber Flooring
Complete Guide to What You Should Know Before You Buy Rubber Flooring
Well, although they all look the same, there are a variety of rubber flooring, which makes one type of flooring different from another.
It doesn’t necessarily mean they are better or worse. But there are differences, for example, in water absorption, in the ability to absorb impact, installation, durability, and maintenance.
In the end, studying a little bit before making the choice can save you a lot of trouble and increase your post-purchase satisfaction.
After all, no one likes to invest time and money researching, buying a product and then being disappointed.
With that in mind, I prepared this post complete with everything you should consider when choosing the right rubber flooring to ensure safety and comfort.
Types of rubber flooring
The first step is to understand that there are different types of rubber flooring. For example, many people confuse EVA flooring with recycled tire rubber flooring.
They are very different materials!
EVA flooring is widely used as mats (mats used in martial arts), but it is not as resistant to weather conditions (wind, sun, and rain) as tire rubber flooring.
So, if you want a material that lasts longer in open areas, or that can be affected by the weather, opt for floors that use weather-resistant raw materials. The most used is the recycled tire.
By the way, among rubberized treads made of tires, there are also differences.
Treads made from tire shavings are usually stronger than those made from crushed tire granules. The zest intertwines, allowing for a greater alloy, increasing abrasion resistance and durability.
The resin used to manufacture the floor is also extremely important. It will guarantee the rubber
and will do a good part in filling the spaces created between the rubber particles.
A poor-quality resin compromises abrasion resistance and can harden over time. It can also reduce the impact absorption capacity and consequently safety. Other properties also affect tread quality, such as tire type, production testing, etc.
You don’t need to become an expert in all of this, but it’s nice to ask about these processes to confirm the quality of the floor because you’ll be investing a lot of money.
So don’t get confused! See what you need and which product suits you best.
Oh, just for the record: you can also confuse it with vinyl flooring, which has a completely different proposal and is not very good to be installed in playgrounds and children’s playgrounds, for example.
Vinyl floors are also very comfortable and easy to clean, but they are not suitable for areas where it is necessary to absorb impact.
Rubber flooring should be synonymous with more safety
In the case of using flooring for children, the main feature that you should be concerned about when buying a rubber flooring is the safety it brings. As much as you have super qualified professionals to watch over the little ones, it’s hard to control when they’re all together.
For this reason, rubber flooring needs to be able to cushion falls and prevent more serious accidents on the playground.
Therefore, one of the main tips is to never forget to ask the seller about the damping capacity of the floor. They usually have a table with the maximum drop height that the floor can absorb. Each type and manufacturer of flooring may have different impact absorption capabilities.
For example, thicker floors tend to absorb more impact.
Another important safety question to ask is whether or not the floor is non-slip. Always invest in materials that prevent slips, as in case of falls, serious injuries can occur.
Of course, rubber flooring will never prevent all falls and accidents, but it will greatly reduce the severity of injuries. Very much indeed!
How to clean rubber flooring?
Another factor linked to durability, but which does not compromise the safety, is color, as it is normal for materials exposed to the weather to fade. What will determine the durability of the color is the raw material used. However, it is necessary to check not only the pigment resistance but also the toxicity, mainly due to the application.
To solve the color issue, it is possible to revitalize it with a specific paint for this application.
Rubber floor maintenance
Too much exposure to ultraviolet rays – UV -, excess heat or cold, too much humidity, and rain are conditions that can change the rubber floor.
As I already mentioned, the rubber used is malleable and has unique advantages, such as weather resistance, high impact dampening capacity, and the long-term durability of this property.
But, it has the natural characteristic of expansion and contraction, more than other materials. Over time it contracts more than it expands and so the floors can open small cracks, which still does not affect its main feature, which is safety.
This happens with several products made with this material in different parts of the world. In some countries, it is common to fill the gaps with wood chips or sand. The best decision would be to reinstall and reposition the boards.
A good installation can also greatly minimize the gap between the floors, at the time of application, the plates must be placed very tightly.
Once again: always require the supplier to pass on this information about the necessary care. It’s the best way to make your investment worthwhile.
Can you get the rubber flooring wet?
A good rubber floor won’t get soggy. This feature is important because it prevents the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms that are harmful to health and cause a bad smell.
Water should also not pool on or under the floor. In the installation, the junction between the plates creates a channel through which the water is carried to a drain or other form of drainage.
For this, a subfloor trim is essential so that all water is drained. The installation may not work if the subfloor already has accumulated water, because when the boards are placed, the puddle will continue to occur under the material.
If everything is done correctly and the supplier is capricious, there will be no problem. Water will not accumulate and the rubber floor will remain in good condition.
So much so that you can wash the floor with water at will.
Ensures more safety for children
Did you know that there is an ABNT standard that determines measures to be adopted when setting up a children’s playground?
The purpose of this technical standard is to provide material with basic safety guidelines for recreation areas.
It contains useful guidelines for both toy and flooring suppliers, as well as for those responsible for schools, daycare centers, or condominium managers.
Even the ideal flooring for the playground is one of the most important points of the standard, as falls are very common and a suitable material can drastically reduce the severity of injuries.
For this, you can use the rubber floor, as it absorbs the impact and minimizes the effects of a fall. This type of material is also non-slip and prevents the risk of slipping.
It is a safer solution than hard surfaces such as concrete, hardwood floors, and even synthetic grass.
Therefore, when you are planning your playground, remember to use rubber flooring with the appropriate thickness for your space and ensure greater safety for children.
It’s very beautiful
Having a safe playground is essential. There is nothing to discuss.
But ensuring that it is a more beautiful and fun place for children also makes all the difference for them and their parents. The aesthetic appeal must also be taken into account.
Since the goal is to create a place for children to enjoy, the more elements that expand the fun, the better.
Some rubber flooring suppliers offer colored flooring options. You can play with colors and make the environment much more cheerful.
There are also companies that allow you to customize the floor with hopscotch, tic-tac-toe and drawings, for example. It is an investment that visually impresses and can win over those responsible, in addition, of course, to children.
It’s more hygienic
Still, on the issue of safety, a differentiating factor of the rubber floor is hygiene. And this is even more important when it involves children directly. The problem with playground sand is that it is constantly exposed to contamination by dust from the air, animals, and children themselves.
Couple that with a child’s habit of putting their hands to their mouths frequently and you could be in for some trouble. Most of the time, it’s usually nothing too serious. But avoiding a complaint always pays off, doesn’t it?!
So to avoid this risk, rubber floors are the best option. It is practical to clean, does not accumulate water and does not allow the proliferation of microorganisms.
sustainable and ecological
The entire world has demanded sustainable products and services. Being a part of this change and contributing to a better place for your children and grandchildren can be a great example to set.
In the rubber flooring market, there are some products that are made from recycled materials, such as tires. The quality of these floors is very good and can give your playground an ecological status, adding value to your school or condominium.
But beware, not all recycled material can be placed on play area floors. There are materials on the market made with inappropriate waste such as plastic and other waste, often mixed with rubber, so check which waste is used by your supplier.
A well-installed and maintained rubber floor can last up to 10 years. Some maintenance will always be necessary, however, if the material is of quality and you follow the correct guidelines for use and cleaning, you will only need to worry about it 4 years after installation.
Rubber floors made from scrap tires and using appropriate resins in their products tend to last longer. Another important tip is not to drag heavy materials over the floor, which can compromise the surface of the boards. In addition, cleanliness is essential.
After installing the floor, you don’t want to know a lot of stress with exchanges, do you?! Cleaning up, all right. Now: having to worry about how long it will last is very annoying.
For children’s playgrounds and play areas, the story is the same. If you don’t have good suppliers and use the right materials, it can take up a lot of your life. Rubber flooring is the ideal material to have more peace of mind in space management, as they are easily cleaned and require maintenance every 2 to 4 years.
The main effects found over time are the loss of coloring of the floor and the shrinkage of the material. However, this can be easily resolved and won’t cause you any major problems.
Installing rubber flooring makes all the difference
- After you buy the floor, the quest isn’t over yet.
- A well-done installation is a key to maximizing the durability, quality and visual aspect of the parts.
- Installation can be quite quick, depending on the size of the playground or area to be covered. Also ask the supplier for full recommendations on the entire installation process.
- The application of the rubber floor is made with plates whose sizes vary between 1m x 1m and 1m x 0.5m.
- The thicker floors, such as 40mm and 50mm, are divided into smaller slabs, which facilitates material handling.
- A common question when installing rubber flooring in the playground is the following:
Who goes first? The floor or the playground toys?
Playgrounds need to be anchored to the ground and are usually larger. They are mostly made of wood, metal and some plastic modules. Toys, on the other hand, do not need to be plumbed because they are lighter and are made up of smaller modules, and it is common for them to be made of plastic.
Important: In any of the categories, the equipment must comply with specific safety standards. It is important to ask the manufacturer before purchasing.
When flooring is installed in an area where toys will be used, it must be placed before the equipment. When the floor is installed in an area where a playground will be placed, it must be installed later, and it will be necessary to make cuts around the support areas (feet, slides, etc.), otherwise, the equipment may become unstable.
Speaking of which, another question that arises at the time of installation is:
If the floor is sloped, is there a problem?
There is no problem with embossing rubber floors. But the installation needs to be done with some containment that holds the floor and prevents the boards from giving in to the slope. This containment can be a rubber ramp, angle, curb, or wall.
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