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Rubber Flooring: Discover the advantages of flooring for gyms
One of the most important issues in any business is security. In some ventures, such as CrossFit boxes, playgrounds, and gyms, even more, attention is needed, as they are places prone to the risk of accidents, such as falls. For this reason, rubber flooring is the ideal flooring for these environments, as well as for indoor and outdoor areas that need skid protection and impact cushioning.
Rubber flooring is adopted in many places, especially in the United States and European countries. In Brazil, the coating has been adopted by modern spaces, which are looking for viable, attractive, and quality solutions.
The great advantage of the rubber floor is the non-slip action. Because of this, it is suitable for places with a large flow of people, especially children, the elderly, and individuals with limited mobility. The high impact absorption also makes the coating the preferred choice for gyms, horse farms, and spaces with heavy equipment.
As they are non-slip, rubber floors are also recommended for wet places, such as areas with swimming pools, saunas, and swimming gyms.
In addition to safety against falls, rubber flooring has many other qualities, especially when compared to other coverings that are very common in high-traffic environments.
The tile floor, for example, is formed by 3 millimeters of rubber, but with little or no impact absorption. This increases the risk of accidents and, more than that compromises the durability of the coating, which has a shorter useful life.
The same goes for the floor known as a coin. Despite being a very popular rubber flooring, because of the low price, it has a lower quality than rubber floors and, for this reason, it is not suitable for spaces that need high impact absorption or for those who want safety.
That is to say that the rubber flooring appears as the best investment option, due to the quality, compared to the chipped and coin flooring. Thus, to accompany the sophistication of modern and safe spaces, the rubber floor is endowed with special features, such as:
- High strength and durability;
- Resistance to flame propagation;
- Special binders to prevent crumbling;
- Sound insulation (noise absorption)
- Ease of cleaning and installation.
It is worth mentioning that rubber flooring is non-toxic, as its composition does not use inferior materials of low quality or heavy metals. Therefore, the coating prevents irritability and allergies, especially in children.
One of the most advantageous points of rubber flooring is its ease of installation. This is because the coating can be installed directly on-site, without the need to remove the previous floor. However, you need to have a level, clean surface and consider the size of the area.
In general, the installation is carried out with a specific glue for rubber floors, developed to guarantee maximum adhesion to any type of coating.
Rubber flooring can be found in a wide variety of thicknesses and colors. Thus, spaces that want to invest in decoration, and want products that are different from traditional laminates, imitating wood, find good options with rubberized coatings.
In addition, it is possible to find smooth or mosaic models. The difference lies in the aesthetics, as smooth is used on all types of flooring, while mosaic is only used for “Medium Impact” and “High Impact”. However, safety and quality in shock absorption remain unchanged, as well as ease of installation.
For the conservation of the rubber floor, be it smooth or mosaic, just use a damp cloth and neutral detergent, with water. Cleaning the coating is very simple and practical, which is also an advantage, compared to laminated coatings, which appear to imitate wood.
Acidic products should not be used, as they can damage the material and the rubber. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for better conservation and maintenance of the floor.
The production of rubber flooring involves a series of procedures strictly controlled by laboratories specialized in the development of rubber coatings, with the aim of proving resistance and maximum impact absorption. The raw material is properly selected to ensure the quality of the product.
Rubber flooring is made from waste from tire recycling. Through a clean and sustainable technology, the material is transformed and treated, making it suitable for application in the coating. In other words, in addition to all the advantages mentioned above, the rubber floor also contributes to sustainability, with the reuse of rubber and the reduction in the number of discarded waste (tires can take more than 600 years to decompose!).
In fact, the disposal of used tires is just one of the problems. They are often burned, releasing various atmospheric pollutants, including carbon and sulfur. If the residue from the burning is not properly disposed of, there is the possibility of contamination of the soil, rivers, and groundwater.
Other than that, tires discarded incorrectly are great sources of water accumulation and can become breeding grounds for insects. Therefore, tire recycling and the use of rubber appear like viable solutions, in economic and sustainable terms.
By transforming the used tire, an extremely strong yet soft alloy is obtained. This makes the recycled rubber flooring absorb impacts and, in addition, offers a comfortable surface. In the case of gyms, the coating reduces friction in the joints caused by physical effort, being a great ally in people’s health and well-being.
Rubber Pisos coatings are specially manufactured in accordance with all these specifications, with the main objective of offering a product of the highest quality and maximum impact absorption capacity. The company works with the production of recycled rubber flooring at a great price per m2.
With a differentiated service, Rubber Floors guarantees maximum efficiency of its products, in addition to having a laboratory specialized in rubbers, which performs tests on all its coatings. Want to know more? You can receive our exclusive content and choose the best product for your needs.
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